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Stretching (all levels)

  • 1 h
  • Tatari

Service Description

Stretching ehk venitus sobib kõigile, kes soovivad oma keha paremini tunnetada ja kontrollida. Venitus on kui lihaste hooldus, mis vabastab pingetest ning annab sulle võimaluse luua tugevam ja tervem organism. Venitustunnis proovime nii aktiivseid kui passiivseid venitusi. Lisaks pöörame eraldi tähelepanu liigeste liikuvuse parandamisele. Trenni käigus sooritatud harjutuste tulemusena saavutame vaimse ja füüsilise tasakaalu. Stretching’u tundides keskendume eraldi nii ülakeha kui ka alakeha painduvusele, et aidata sul venitada ohutult ja tõhusalt. Tasemed: sobib kõigile. ​Riided: leggins-id/püksid, top/pusa; soovi korral põlvekaitsmed.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

We ask You to arrive in a timely manner. Cancellation of a reservation is possible up to 6 hours before the scheduled training session. Late cancellations will not result in a refund or credit to the training card. If a student arrives more than 5 minutes late to a training session, the coach can refuse entry. Failure to attend a booked training session or arriving more than 5 minutes late will be considered as used training session. Training sessions will only take place when at least 2 students are registered. Cancellations are only possible via the HIGH TRIBE Wix app. If you are unable to use the app for cancelling, please contact us at Our comprehensive privacy and cancellation policy can be found by following the provided link, and by booking a training session, you automatically acknowledge and agree to comply with all the rules and terms outlined therein. Policy:

Contact Details

  • Tatari 64, 10134 Tallinn, Estonia


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